
Our quality and safety systems are at the core of everything we do; fundamental to safeguarding all areas of environmental protection and life at sea, and the basis of an efficient and harmonious operation. Secure a Ship aims to continually develop all aspects of its quality and safety standards in order to comply with international standards and improve its efficiency and performance to its clients.

Our Quality System encompasses all aspects of our shore based ship management activities. Conforming to the ISO:18001, 14001 & 9001 Quality Management Systems.

To ensure in-depth compliance with all management policies and procedures, all systems are regularly audited by both external and internal independent auditors.

Secure a Ship Ltd are compliant to the internationally recognised standard ISO:18001, 14001 & 9001, establishing it as one of the leaders in its field.

ISO:18001, 14001 & 9001 was introduced for organisations to demonstrate that they do what they say they do and that they have a quality management system in place to ensure consistency and improvement; leading to high levels of performance and customer satisfaction. Certified organisations are committed to continuous improvement and are assessed annually to ensure progress is being maintained.

Secure a Ship Ltd has shown that it has good service reliability and process controls which means lower costs for its customers!

The benefits of registration to the ISO:18001, 14001 & 9001 standards include:-

Streamlining an organisations procedures.
Bringing consistency to an organisations service delivery.
Reducing cost and rework.
Improving an organisations management practices.
Enhanced status.
Competitive advantage.
Lower insurance premiums.

Secure a Ship Ltd has years of experience within the Maritime Security Industry and has grown steadily from its formation. It is now one of the most professional companies in the World and has seen huge growth from obtaining Panama accreditation back in 2012.

Secure a Ship became the first PMSC to be accredited with ISO28007-1:2015 certification.

The revised ISO28007 certification gives us a competitive edge against other PMSC’s and shows our dedication towards excellence. Certification gives us (and our customers, trading partners and other key stakeholders) confidence that we have addressed all external and internal issues relating to our company.

ISO PAS:28007 was published in 2012 due to rapid growth in the number of maritime security companies and the implications of using PCASP (legal issues, safety concerns for seafarers and varying national regulations).

ISO PAS:28007 gives guidelines containing additional sector-specific requirements, which PMSCs wishing to comply with ISO 28000 can implement to demonstrate that they provide appropriate PCASP services on board ships. Compliance to the ISO:28007 specification demonstrated by ISO 28000 certification.

For more information on our certification to the ISO standards please email [email protected]

More information about the ISO PAS 28007 criteria is available on the ISO website here.

Compliance and International Law
Compliance with the important international laws protects your company’s reputation. SECURE A SHIP recognises the different laws of Flag States, Coastal States, International Maritime Law, and guidance from agencies such as IMO, UKMTO and National Governments.

The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, United Nations Working Group guidance to Private Maritime Security Companies, and IMO guidance have been incorporated into our standard operating procedures.

SECURE A SHIP complies with all relevant laws and Codes of Practice:

UK Open General Trade Control Licence (anti-Piracy)
International Code of Conduct for Private Security Services Providers (ICOC-PSSP)
The Voluntary Principles
The United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force & Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials (1990).
International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies
Montreux Document
International Maritime Law
National Territorial Maritime Laws
The laws of Flag and Coastal States
The IMO Guidance to PMSC and Best Management Practice (BMP 4)

SAMI has introduced a level of compliance and scrutiny to ensure that the maritime industry can easily identify reputable private maritime security companies.

SAMI provides reassurance, guidance, and minimum quality and standards in the delivery of maritime security where none has existed before. The SAMI Standard has been established as the international benchmark for standards within the industry.

SAMI represents the industry at an international level in a balanced and cogent manner with transparency, honesty and integrity. One major aspect of this is the creation of a clear, transparent, and robust standard that is applicable across the wide spectrum of the maritime security industry.

Through the SAMI Standard the association will provide the maritime industry with a credible measure of competency giving them confidence in the professionalism of the maritime security industry. The standard sets the cornerstone for the future of the entire industry.

Secure a Ship are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed our Cyprus accreditation.

As of March 2014 we can now provide guards on Cyprus flagged vessels.

Cyprus accreditation will be achieved by the 20th February and we will be on the approved suppliers list.

Secure A Ship are pleased to announce we are on the approved list of suppliers of maritime security for Luxembourg Flagged Vessels.

Accreditation of a maritime company!

Secure A Ship were delighted to meet with the relevant authorities in Luxembourg where the agreement was declared!

Any maritime company that establishes an office in Luxembourg must, before commencing its activities be accredited by the Minister.

Accreditation may only be given to companies whose business is the buying and selling, the chartering in and the chartering out, and the management of seagoing ships, as well as the financial and commercial operations that relate directly or indirectly to such activities.
In cases where the company is made up of a natural person, he or she shall be subject to the accreditation conditions set out in Articles 132 and 133.
Any maritime company seeking accreditation must by convention, secure the services of a person or legal entity to fulfil the duties of the company’s manager. Before starting to discharge these managerial duties, the manager appointed must have been accredited by the Minister.

The provisions of the preceding indent shall not be applicable if the company in question is in fact an individual person to whom accreditation is granted in his or her own right.
The power of attorney given to the manager should state in unambiguous terms the powers that have been conferred upon him or her.


Most popular provider of security for Panama Flagged Vessels!

RING +441295 254252 to speak to a member of our staff.



Secure a Ship Ltd has achieved accreditation for a maritime security company to work with Panama Flagged Vessels.

UK-based Secure a Ship became one of the first maritime security companies to secure official accreditation in September 2012 from the Panama Maritime Authority sanctioning the services of armed and unarmed escort guards on vessels transiting piracy high risk areas.

Secure a Ship were swift to act, following the recent change of law in Panama under which from 3rd October 2012 all Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSCs) serving Panamanian ships must have official accreditation from the Panama Maritime Authority. This date was then extended to the 3rd January 2013.

Paul Maguire CEO says “This highlights Secure a Ship’s constant stride for perfection and having the foresight to aid the client.”

The stringent review process of the Administration was effected by two of its departments and vetted by a special board of experts from the Panama Maritime Authority.

ÂWith the new law, it is going to be easier for everyone, as all the paperwork will be with the authorities, and therefore granting approval for a team to come aboard can be achieved swiftly,. This is a positive step by Panama in its aim of ensuring flexibility and good service to ship owners and operators and ensuring that reputable companies with sound infrastructure are employed on board Panamanian registered ships.

In MSC.1/Circ.1405/Rev.1 of 16 September 2011 the International maritime Organization raised concerns over the absence of applicable regulation and industry self-regulation, coupled with complex legal requirements governing the legitimate transport, carriage and use of firearms on ships. Further, it was said that the rapid growth in the number of private maritime security companies raised doubts about the capabilities and maturity of some of these firms.

With Panamas new measure, any Panamanian accredited PMSC will have a flag state reference, proving to new clients and the industry that its operations and structure have been analysed by a competent administration. This promises to be an advance in aiding shipping companies to identify reliable, professional private providers of armed security.

Please see below the circular.

To: Ship-owners/Operators, Company Security Officers, Private Security Companies, Legal Representatives of Panamanian Flagged Vessels, Panamanian Merchant Marine Consulates and Recognized Organizations (ROs).
Subject: Authorization for Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC)
Reference: MMC.228 MSC.1/Circ.1405/Rev.2 MSC.1/Circ.1406/Rev.1 MSC.1/Circ.1333 MSC.1/Circ.1334 MSC.1./Circ. 1443
Resolution No.106-13-DGMM
1. The purpose of this Merchant Marine Circular is to officially communicate that on April 4th, 2012 was published in the Official Gazette, the Resolution No.106-13-DGMM, dated March 8th, 2012, whereby the
Panama Maritime Authority establishes requirements for the Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) to meet, in order to become authorized by this Administration. This Resolution will enter into force on October 3rd, 2012. ‘This has now been extended to the 3rd January 2013 to allow other PMSC’s to submit their application’.
2. This Administration encourages all Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) to comply with the requirements listed on Resolution No.106-13- DGMM to be able to offer their services of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel onboard Panamanian flagged vessels. For the English version of Res.No.106-13-DGMM, please click here. – For the Spanish version of Res.No.106-13-DGMM, please click here.
3. The Applications from the Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) must be submitted to the Directorate General of Merchant Marine through a Legal Representative in Panama.
4. The Panama Maritime Authority shall not issue authorizations for vessels contracting services from companies which are not duly authorized by this Administration after October 3rd. In the meantime all authorizations to carry armed personnel will be issued following the guidelines listed in our MMC 228.

1. This Circular has the purpose to inform users, according to Merchant Marine Circular MMC-243, about the list of Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) authorized by this Administration to offer their services as Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel onboard Panamanian flagged vessels transiting High Risk Areas.
2. The Panama Maritime Authority has recognized the following companies as PMSC:
3. Each Private Maritime Security Company authorized should notify by formal letter or mail and also submit the required documents to the Maritime Ships Security Department of any inclusion or changes in armed personnel or inventory of weapons, according to requirements established in Resolution 106-13- DGMM ; Article Fourth, Number Fifth.
4. This Administration encourages all Private Maritime Security Companies to meet the requirements established in Resolution No. 106-13-DGMM by October 3rd, 2012 as the latest, in order to get approval for offering their services of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel for Panamanian flagged vessels.
5. All Panamanian flagged vessels contracting Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies only need to submit Bilateral Agreement duly signed by PMSC and vessel’s representative and passport copies of Authorized Armed Security Personnel in order grant authorization from Flag State each time they need Armed Security on board.

Secure A Ship strive to be the best at what we do and want to be there for all our clients!

We work with all convenience flags and are able to assist clients in obtaining flag authorisation quicker than any other company. We work closely with Panama, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Malta, Liberia, Marshall Islands and the Bahamas. We also work with the following flag states: Norway, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Denmark, Germany (German Office is completing process), Gibraltar, Hong Kong & Singapore.

UK Office

South Court – Hardwick Business Park
Noral Way, Banbury
OX16 2AF

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