The luxury of modern day travel leaves owners of Luxury Yachts and ocean travellers alike vulnerable and in real danger from becoming victims of serious crime or even terrorism. As we travel further afield and explore exotic places throughout the world so the threat of Pirate, criminal or terrorist activity can travel with us, or present an unwanted barrier.
Secure a Ship can offer peace of mind during travels, holidays or ensure your pride and joy arrives safely by using the most experienced personnel from a range of different military backgrounds chosen for their expertise, experience and diligence. Our Yacht Security Officers are from Royal Marine, SAS/SBS or other Special Forces backgrounds.
Our Yacht Security Officers have a minimum of five years experience in Maritime security and work closely with Yacht Masters ensuring security of the yacht and crew at all times.
During port or marina visits our residential security officers offer a discreet professional protection service at all times and meet any demands of the owners itinerary. We will protect the yacht from theft or vandalism. One of our officers is always a trained Port Facilities Security Officer with an excellent understanding of the International Ship and Port Facilities code (ISPS). All our Officers are also trained Ship Security Officers (SSO).
We highlight any security procedures and measures that should be taken by the ship and crew prior to the arrival of owners and guests, conduct any necessary training and ensure that security protocols and responses are understood by all.
Our officers have medical training and each team has two officers specially trained to treat any serious medical emergency.
Whether you require yacht asset protection or VIP protection Secure a Ship can deliver a bespoke package tailored to your specific needs.
Please press Yacht Warning Notice
Be warned if you have a Yacht and are considering a passage through the Gulf of Aden and western Indian Ocean, north of 10 degrees south and west of 78 degrees east.
Somali pirates operate in this area looking for merchant ships, but a desperate pirate will attack any yacht passing his way. With a low freeboard and low speed yachts are especially vulnerable to pirate attacks. Generally, yachts are held by pirates considerably longer than merchant ships. The average time a merchant ship is held is more than 6 months, and the trend is that the time in captivity is increasing. Merchant ships use Best Management Practices (BMP) to win time for the naval forces to assist. Due to the speed of an attack on a yacht, the coalition counter-piracy forces do not have the time to render assistance to a yacht before pirates are able to get onboard.
The NATO Shipping Centre strongly advises yachts not to sail through the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean. Any yachts already in the vicinity or intending to travel in this area, despite this advice, should inform Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) at [email protected] with the subject line Yacht Vessel Movement and read the guidance on the Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa homepage www.mschoa.org. The guidance has been co- ordinated with the UK Maritime Trade Organisation (UKMTO) and the International Sailing Federation (ISAF).
If, despite this advice, a yacht does intend to sail through these waters, reporting to the naval authorities is strongly encouraged. A yacht that does not report to the naval authorities will be unknown to them and unlikely to receive any assistance if possible.
A final decision on whether to enter the Gulf of Aden or any waters where pirates operate and how to conduct a vessel in those waters remains entirely the responsibility of the captain of each vessel.
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